The CDMI successfully held a virtual Shoulder Symposium on February 10, 2021. Nearly one hundred thirty participants consisting of research faculty, clinicians, students, and industry executives from various sectors attended. The goal of the half-day event was to develop a framework for advancing our understanding of shoulder-related injury risk exposures and treatment modalities for shoulder musculoskeletal injury, as well as being an opportunity for potential new Industry Advisory Board (IAB) members to learn more about the CDMI. We are grateful for participation by all CDMI sites and their affiliated members, including Dr. Jeffrey Lotz of the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), Dr. Vijay Goel of the University of Toledo, Dr. William Marras of The Ohio State University, and Dr. Thomas Webster of Northeastern University.
The event featured speakers from a variety of industries and disciplines. They shared their perspectives from an epidemiological (shoulder injury prevalence, injury treatment costs), industry (unmet needs on prevention and treatment), and academic (technologies in the pipeline) point of view. Speakers from organizations such as MOON (Multi-Center Orthopaedics Outcomes Network) Shoulder Group, Ford Motor Company, U.S. Department of Labor-OSHA, and various universities discussed shoulder injury trends and prevention strategies. Breakout sessions included topic-specific presentations by The Ohio State University and University of California, San Francisco researchers on methods to determine and quantify relevant exposures involving the shoulders, and new knowledge/areas for further investigation needed to advance shoulder modeling and injury treatment. Industry Advisory Board Chair George Brogmus (Liberty Mutual) wrapped up the day with a lively group discussion on potential paths to advance shoulder injury assessment, prevention, and treatment methods using disruptive innovations.
Stay tuned as the CDMI hopes to organize future topic-specific workshops in the future!
